Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Little Boy

Since I have a couple of weeks until my next wedding and I have had a few requests , I thought that I would share a few images of my new baby boy. Connery was born December 10, 2007 and he has been an absolute blessing. I did this studio session a few days ago for his two month birthday.

Thank you so much to all of my wonderful brides for the well wishes during this special time in our lives. When you see me next time this Spring I will be without the belly! :)

I just love this one with "The Thinker" pose:

A profile shot that actually replicates one from his ultrasound photos. I'm going to put them side by side in a dual frame in his nursery:

Can you believe all of that hair? He was actually born with all of it!

One with Daddy:

Don't you just love baby feet?

Thank you for looking and I will share more in the coming months. Take care and Happy Valentines Day to all!